Default TUTORiAL: How to convert .avi -files with external subtitles to MP4 -format I saw there is a tutorial of how to convert DVD-movies to .MP4 -format, but there hasn't been one for .avi's & external subtitles, so I think I could make one. You guys maybe thought that we are going to reconvert it with some proggie so the subtitles would be burned into the .avi, but we aren't going to do that, because it takes too much extra time. So, besides that, we are going to use AviSynth, and now, I'll explain how to do it. First, you need to get this little package: subguide.rar Then, extract it to somewhere. After that, install "Avisynth_256.exe" from that package, and then, open the "template.avs" with notepad. In there, you see the following lines: LoadPlugin("C:\VSFilter.dll") AviSource("C:Movie.avi") TextSub("C:\") Now, you need to replace your own paths to the existing ones, for example, if you unpacked the "subguide.rar" to C:\, your LoadPlugin should look like this: LoadPlugin("C:\subguide\VSFilter.dll") Understand? Good, now do the same thing for the "AviSource" and "TextSub" -lines. "AviSource" is where you put your .avi -file, and "TextSub" is where you put your subtitle file. When you are ready, save the file. Now, install the "pspVideo9_Install.exe" from the archive "subguide.rar" unless you have it already installed, then just choose the "Convert" tab, do the quality-options you want, and open the .avs -file instead of the .avi -file, and convert. You should then have a .MP4 -file with the subtitles, and without reconverting the .avi again! EDIT: If you do a little research with all the things you can do with AviSynth, you can probably convert your DVD-movies to .MP4 with subtitles, without converting it first to .avi
Perhana, tuohan on minun PSPUpdatesin foorumeille kirjoittama tutoriaali En tosin nyt tuota jaksa suomentamaan alkaa, mutta hieman pelkistetyn ohjeen voin antaa: Lataa tuo subguide.rar (Jos otit tuon PSPUpdatesin foorumeilta, siellä pitäisi olla linkki tuohon) Pura se jonnekin. Asenna Avisynth_256.exe paketista. Avaa paketin sisällä oleva template.avs notepadilla. Vaihda polut oikeiksi, jos esimerkiksi purit tuon subguide.rar -arkiston suoraan C: -asemalle, ensimmäinen polku olisi seuraava: C:\subguide\VSFilter.dll AviSource-kohtaan laitat polun .avi -tiedostoon, ja TextSub-kohtaan laitat polun teksteihin. Asenna paketista "pspVideo9_Install.exe". Laita PSP Video 9:n lähdetiedostoksi tuo Template.avs ja konvertoi.
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