Does anyone know of how to download or get hold of a volume leveller which enables mp3 and wma files to play back at the same volume after burning to CD?
IMHO they doesn't work very well. It's better to take each song and adjust the volume by yourself. Anyway volume levelling is a feature of Music Match Jukebox (latest version) or Sound Forge or Nero itself
1. Nero Wave Editor --> [Chose a song] --> Volume --> Normalize 2. Nero --> Open a CD Audio project --> Select a song --> Click "Edit" --> It opens Nero Wave Editor --> As Above.
Thanks but it doesn't work - atleast not with mp3 files. There is no audible change in volume. Doesn't matter anyway - Windows media player 9 has a normaliser in it and although it's not perfect it sounds much better when you burn using it's inbuilt facility. I think Nero should get a normaliser which works automatically when composing CD's - they've got just about everything else.
If you use winamp then get the rock steady plug-in, it works very well, I use it in conjunction with wincue and a digital optical connection to record my mp3's to minidisc, but that is very random, I really couldn't help you if you wanted to permenantly change the volume.
1. If you're allready satisfied with the results of your WMA files you could use mp3gain to level the mp3s to the same volume before decoding. Mp3gain should give better results than normalization. 2. Another possibility (I haven't tried, but it should work): Use foobar2000's diskwriter for decoding to .wav, replaygain function (trackgain, set target volume of replaygain amplifier to the volume you want) enabled. (WMP input plugin at "3rd party komponents" link.) The resulting .wav files you can burn with any software (*no* normalization!)
ya actually..mike... nero has got a normaliser if u wanna make a audio y not for a mp3 audio its so simple iv struggled myself with this so long..