Volume Problems

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by lauzzie, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. lauzzie

    lauzzie Guest

    Can anyone tell me why when I play a DVD I have to crank the volume right up and still have trouble hearing it. It happens with burnt copies and originals on all my DVD players. If I flick back to the television then the sound is deafening. Is it something to do with the way a DVD is produced or is there some setting in the players that I can change.
  2. pazzini

    pazzini Guest

    1) Check your cables are plugged in properly
    2) Make sure you have configured you dvd player with what cables you are using ie: RGB scart, Component, scart etc...
    3) Try using a different cable in case the one you are using is faulty.

    Let me know if this helps if not I will help you futher.

  3. lauzzie

    lauzzie Guest

    All cables plugges in properly. Tried several sets of cables. Not sure about No. 2. How do you configure the machines cables. The sound is still extremely quiet through the DVD player.
  4. pazzini

    pazzini Guest

    every dvd player is different.

    On your dvd main menu look for picture menu/settings then video output mode and simply change your output to what you have if you have RGB scart select RGB scart and so on.

    Also check the audio button on your remote to see if it alters any audio settings when pressed.

    How old is your dvd player?

    How have you set up the dvd player regarding connections into your tv?


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