I have downloaded this program and it works great at creating a DVD to thern burn in Nero (unlike the encoder in Nero 7 which keeps coming up with underflow errors). However, if I encode 2 divx files using this software, how do I combine the two resulting VIDEO_TS folders and files within them into one DVD?
Your advice worked fine (I just had to be careful in what order it placed the files.) I have tried several of my AVIs and although some convert with no errors, on others I get either 'RC Buffer Underflow' or a lot of 'Video packet dropped due to error...'. Is there any way to avoid these errors? I think they might be due to errors within the AVIs themselves. Maybe there's a utility to 'fix' them before putting them into VSO Divx to DVD? Or maybe there's a better/alternative program to use instead of VSO Divx to DVD. Sorry if thats too many questions in one thread, I have been searching through the forum and although there's some mentions if similar problems I found no solutions. (Maybe its just me though!)
Yes, VSO's ConvertXtoDVD. Not free but has many improvements/features/bug fixes over the ancient DivXtoDVD.
Hey, ConvertXtoDVD is 100 times better than DivXtoDVD v0.5.2b Preview It's not free, but I tell myself, after using it once or twice, it's payed for ! My 2 cents, from a VSO Software maniac !