Heyo, I'm new here and I'm just looking for some help with the use of this program. It has been giving me problems since I started using it, it works fine, it does the job but every so often it well convert my avi file and when it is just about finished (5 seconds remaining) it will give me an error sort of like "access violation at address 00ed8add in module 'avformat.dll'. Write of address 00034B70." Then the file will be there converted intoa .Vob file which i can view but without the subsequent .IFO and .BUP files I don't think I can do anything with it, I tried re-authoring in dvd shirk but the file will not show in the folder... Other times instead of that error message it will just end without the "conversion complete" dialog box. Then when I got check the file folder there is just the .VOB file and nothign else... It ususally gets through a specific file after a few tries but I've been trying to convert this specific file all day and the conversion process only takes roughly 15 minutes... I just get my hopes up in the final seconds then I just get no message. I think the error is better than getting nothing... anyways just wondering If there are any ways around this, is there anything I can do with just the .vob file? it does play when i click on it...
Well You can author this VOB file to DVD if you use an Actual DVD authoring Program like "Tmpgenc DVD Author" or "DVDLab Pro" which will let you add menu"s and Chapters to your DVD and will format it into a Video_TS Folder which you can then Burn to DVD in DVD Video Mode....