VSO quality questions.

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by crowheart, Apr 20, 2007.

  1. crowheart

    crowheart Member

    Apr 20, 2007
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    I am a brand new member and also a newbie when it comes to burning DVD’s. I used VSO to (encode?) files to DVD for a movie, actually two of them. While the burn quality is quite descent, I noticed that playing the file on the monitor produced a much better picture (as good as the movies to my eyes anyway.) The resulting burn to DVD with VSO is ok but the clarity and sharpness are not the same. I did read the newbie guides and saw that there is an expected quality loss when converting and burning dvid/xvid files. My question is if I convert a good quality Vob file3.9 GB compared to the xvid at 700mb will the quality be better? I am thinking that it should be, but i really don't know. I know the download and the burning time will be considerably longer. Any help with this matter would be appreciated. I also will look into buying good media based on the advice of this forum. My choice is going to be Verbatim. I used Maxell for the two movies I burned. I Really enjoy the information freely shared here.
  2. crowheart

    crowheart Member

    Apr 20, 2007
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    Actually I put the burned DVD disks into my pc's disk player and I could not notice any video quality loss while watching the DVD on my monitor. The DVD's playback on my stand alone player appears darker and less crisp. Is this normal? Any solutions to the video quality problem on my stand alone player and non-HD TV? Any possible solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks....
  3. CAGal

    CAGal Regular member

    Feb 16, 2005
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    have you tried watching the dvd on you computer? . . . just to see if the issue isnt necessarily the conversion but the burning, or disc (brand/type) you are using.

    There are settings that will make a difference.
    Under the tab encoding you can set the quality to high.

    You can try increasing the target size to see if this will make a difference, (in any case if will allow you to see if any compression is being used or not)

    Feel free to post you log file here and we can look at it together.
  4. crowheart

    crowheart Member

    Apr 20, 2007
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    Thanks for the info. I did set the encoding quality to high. I also watched the DVD on my computer and the image on the PC monitor is theater quality. The issue is playing it on my stand-alone DVD player and analog TV. The video quality is diminished considerably. The DVD is dark and not as sharp, anything in the shadows and you have to strain to see. I am actually thinking of buying a 21 inch CRT monitor (real cheap now) to views these movies on. I have a 17 inch CRT monitor now. I think the 21 inch and my Altec Lansing speakers will enable me to have a poor mans home theater set-up. I am about to give up trying to watch burned DVD's on my stand-alone and analog. The stand alone dvd player can play all the file types as well.. I am at a loss on the reason for the quality drop.

  5. chop2113

    chop2113 Regular member

    Oct 18, 2006
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    Hey based on what you said the file you converted to dvd was a divx file 700mb. If that was the case Then Yes the quality of that movie will have some pixelation on dark scenes and look poor on home sets . As far as for VOB files Unless you made them they might just be another divx movie converted to dvd.But if they look better i would stick with the better looking file.

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