Greetings, Just as a note, I've searched, but this is a tough question to search for... so here I go I am trying to make a full backup (menus and all) of The Devils Advocate using DVD2one, IFOEdit, and DVD Decryptor, but I have one question... While the main movie is just shy of 7GB, the extras total almost 1GB. Most of this one GB is in VTS_02_0.vob. Now, in every tutorial that I've read, you're instructed to leave the xx_0 file alone. In this case, it would be sort of a warped solution, however, since the main movie would be forced to be around 3GB, and there's still one file that's almost 1GB in size. Now, I'm not familiar with exactly what the xx_0 vob file is, but I'm wondering it it's still possible for me to downsize it along with the rest of the movie without causing any problems.
No you have to let the 0_vob files intact. The first time I used this guide (keeping menu and extra) I accidently downsized the 0_vob file and at the end it did not work. Can't really remember what but no menu or something...