Well I burnt Walk the line leaving the menu off and only selecting what I wanted burnt ie: 2 channel sound, no subtitles nothing extra, and I used Clone DVD. I put it in the player and I get the commentary playing along with regular audio. I figured I must have missed leaving the commentary off, so I went thru the process of burning another disc, this time with a menu. It still plays the commentary on this disc regardless of what I do. I have tried using the disc's in other dvd players no change. So here I am presenting my problem to you all. I am sure it's something I am missing, but I am not expierenced enough to know what it is unless it's spelled out for me. Thank's for your Help!
If you only choose the 2channel audio then you will only get the DC's. Directors Comments are always 2 channel. Deselect the 2channel and keep the 5.1 or 6 channel and your problems will disappear. Your player will demux the 5.1 or 6channel down to 2channel anyway if you do not have Home Theater.