I have a Fujitsu laptop (model: Lifebook C1211D if that that is important to anyone) with a 1.6Ghz Pentium M processor, 512mb DDR ram and integrated (shared memory) graphics. Based on your Vista experiences, how do you think Vista would perform on this on and do you think it's worth giving it a try?
Don't bother, won't work. People here with over 1 GB RAM report problems during the install. Not to mention you're an idiot if you switch to Vista, but that's a different story.
You'd barely receive a Vista hardware rating of 1.5, if it got that high. I've seen laptops with triple that capacity barely receive a 2, and that's because of the integrated graphics. You can install Vista....it will run, but you will not have the Aero interface, and you should at least bump up the memory to 2GB. Personally...I wouldn't bother. Nothing less then a 2Ghz machine is worth the effort.
Thanks guys. I might take the plunge and give it a go anyway. I have hardly any programs on my laptop and there is nothing much else important on there so i have nothing to lose. I might just borrow Vista off a friend and do the 30 day trial.
it will suck. needs atleast 1gb to run "smooth" like xp i had one of the latest beta releases on my 1gb laptop and it kinda sucked. alot. and it would access my hard drive almost constantly. no need for that.
Before fear and panic spread from this information...we need to clarify. Vista will "constantly" read all folders and directories for it's search function. Necessary for it's easy search. You'll notice this search function in the top right hand corner just like you see in IE 7 or Firefox. Type in what you are looking for and you have instant access to it....but yeah, Vista does take quite some time to build up it's library. If nothings changed in that directory, the search will go quickly... @DanielB Yeah....if you want to play, by all means....put on your swimsuit and dive right in! Experimenting is half the fun of learning. (blowing things up is the other half)