Hi, I'm want to soft mod my xbox using action replay and mechassault. I know how to do it and I want to use it to play Halo 2. The thing is I don't want to be banned from matchmaking. I only plan on using mods for custom games to make it a little more fun but in matchmaking I don't want to use mods. Is there anyway that I can get on xbox live and play a custom game with mods and then play matchmaking after that without mods? I really want to mod but I don't want to get banned from matchmaking. I have one gamertag account now (hiddenxshadows)and I want to keep this one. Do I have to make another one to mod with that one so hiddenxshadows won't get banned? What do I do?
sorry man you will be banned even in custom games! it happend to me the first time. here is why-bungie can locate the hacked maps and when they do that it is instant banhammer if your ever in pregame lobby look at the tips it tells you at the bottom it will explain what your doing if you mod you're a haxzor so yeah i suggest gettin a two month and use that until it runs out if you dont wont to get your real account banned!
You will need another account. I have been playing in custom games with modded maps for a good few months now and it still lets me. I have an account on my 360 for matchmaking and an account on my modded box for customs
so do you need 2 boxes, one modded and one not or can you just have one account on the xbox and one saved to a memory card and then mod the xbox, play with the one on the box with mods, then turn the mods off and play with the one saved to a memory card on matchmaking so it wont get banned? would that work or would it get banned to?