to the mods specially read this you may want to take some action about certain posts asap
above URL is incorrect try this
I like the term "serious offence"... OK.. so it's less serious to commit street robbery with violence in the UK now eh? Those scumbags normally just get a caution in the North West. Steal off a fat greedy business and we will come after you with the full weight of the law... Batter an ordinary citizen half to death while robbing them... not bothered... And they wonder why it is starting to be more vigilante action around here.. with the local scum getting half killed as well. Anyway.. it's about time.. I pointed out the fact that posting the codes and things was illegal a month or so ago. This probably applies to all the flashing guides too. (my previous post had a link.. I can't find it now)
In England, whenever money/profits/taxes are involved, the law is always more interested in protecting their bottom line than protecting it's citizens
@ Jan true regards firmware but once they are off site Instructions are purely educational. Well we can use loopholes also