Apparently, if you haven't heard already, softmodding is supposedly illegal. This is news to me. From what I hear, if you softmod, go on xbox live, and get banned, they can use your credit card information to locate you and prosecute you. Post back if you have anymore details.
It probobly is illegal espetially in some european countries. But in the U.S. they really dont care, its kind of like them saying no fireworks and yet its not really enforced. Also its a waste of tiem anad money to the people who are supposedly searching u out using credit card records. So no u probobly r fine.
how the hello kittys is that illegal. ripping the games off the disc is illegal, not softmodding. this sounds like a load o' crap to me that and you should have put this in the xbox-software not xbox-hardware gaw!!!!
this is a complete rumor. softmodding is not illegal at all, it just voids your xbox warranty. and if you really think that they are trying to prosecute somebody who cheats in a video game or has altered there xbox then you are crazy.
When people get prosecuted for modding they are usually bust for using pirated games.( selling a Xbox with a large hard drive with a ton of games on it) But there is a law that is written specifically for altering a device to allow it to be potentially used for pirating under certain circumstances. But they will not just go after you for that. It’s just an extra charge they put against you after you are busted for copy right infringement.
they prolly won't go after you for having an illegal bios on your the same sense jaywalking is illegal....yet it's look upon as a minor infraction. The main thing they are going after is the pirted games. It still doesn't make it legal when you reverse enginer the copy protection on the xbox itself. That is something that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) frowns on. It also diesn't mean that we are going to stop anytime soon.....
This is what I have gathered. The resons as to which it is (supposedly) illegal is what softmodding does. #1 using the programs with linux, you can copy games to your harddrive, which is like pirating. #2 It makes the xbox live members unsatified and XBOX could possibly lose costumers. Maybe one or two of the millions.... That's what I think. Besides. I was told this from a dude at toys r us. He said that softmodding is illegal, but he does it anyways. He has two xboxs one for live and one for Softmods. He's either truthful, parinoid, or a hypocrite. Definetly a hypocrite. But ya, prolly the pirating is what they fear, even though I doubt softmodding will get you prosecuted, the worst that will happen is ban, which either wastes a two month or a 50 dollar year subscribtion.
You can have backups of any game on your harddrive, as long as you (cough) have the original. the problem with softmodding is that you take the sourcecode from a game to expand the uses of your xbox. Thats where the sticky situation comes into play. Softmodding is cheaper(free), but chips are more secure.
Only if you have all of the equipment. [bold]and the right linux file[/bold] "yeah....that's right...I'm a gay robot."-Tucker