Hey all, Once again, I was surfing the net, and found THIS little interesting article. What do you all believe? http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/lo...life,0,5601000.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines
Who cares if he way gay or not. What matters is that he was arguably the best president this country ever had.
Even if we did he'd never make it in today's politics. He grew up dirt poor, taught himself how to read, had integrity and was extremely intelligent (not just book smart). Now look at the two dipshits we had in the last election - both were little rich boys, both went to the finest colleges on mommy and daddy's money, niether have any integrity nor real intelligence. Our system has evolved to where only priviledged schmucks get a chance at the presidency. Hopefully in 2008 John McCain will break that mould. When Abe was in office most everyone hated him because he wasn't a people pleaser - he did was right and what needed to be done without regard to what it would do for his popularity. Try and find that in a president nowadays. He also did an amazing job leading this country through a civil war and did much to mend feelings afterwards. Abe had an intelligence and fortitude that the White House hasn't seen in years.
He wasn't gay but there are people as well as scholars who believe he was a woman. I am not joking, check it out. Some people actually make a pretty good case.
Hey peeps! Just thought I chime in here and say... I think that Abraham Lincoln was a great president. I mean, hell, he freed the slaves. What else can you ask for really? What Neph said: .....I can agree with that whole heartedly. I guess that is why I don't vote, because I really don't want to vote for any of those candidates. As far as if he was gay or not, I could care less, the dude has been dead for how long now? Not like if it were all 100% true anything would change.
i agree venom see i dont care if someones gay some of my best friends are gay and i dont vote either.
regardless if Abraham Lincoln was gay or straight, he led this country to greatness and united a divided country. Now, should his sexuality interfere with his greatness ? NO! This is an example of his greatness. regards, Vanessa
Excellent post Vanessa! He was a great, great man indeed. How often would you find that sort of honesty in a politician these days?
Was he the original bearded lady you think? With his nature,attitude etc. he could well have been a lady,but the beard?
One of Abraham Lincoln's legacies still lives on - he signed into law the first income tax for the United States to support the Civil War. As much as people hate taxes, it seems that fact is always forgotten when discussing the 16th president.