i have burned about 100 dvds so far but recently i have had problems when i play the dvd in my stand alone player. the film get about half way through then starts to jump and just resets to the start or cuts off. i use dvd decrypter to rip the movie then dvd2one to compress it then i was using nero 6 the latest update. the last 3 i did this morning its coming up disk error and not even playing any help would be great
usually if it gets to ruffly the hour mark and the movie goes pixelated 99 % of the time it is bad media have you a dvd rw to try n back it up with?....just to see if the media you are using now is shit also I recently had a bad batch of riteks and the place I bought them from exchanged the 94 I had left for what I paid 4 em what dvd is it? DaOsT
the media i was using was princo 4x printables now moved on to bulkpaq 4x printables the 1st few (10 or so) were fine and all of a sudden this has been happening
Well you are using crap media so expect crap results. I'm suprised you got away with the first lot of Princos (don't be suprised if they don't last long) Bulkpaq are also Princos. Variable quality at best passable at worst unusable (as you have found) Use something decent and the problem will vanish Ritek G04s Verbatim
so is the disk error message and the dvd jumping then resetting the same error then due to the sh1ty media when i copy on the fly they play fine though