WAV-MP3 audio files

Discussion in 'Audio' started by mod155, Feb 4, 2005.

  1. mod155

    mod155 Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Does anyone know what program i should use to separate a WAV file. (when i say seperate, i mean i want to take a specific section of the file out, like if i were doing a VOB file i would use chopper xp) somthing like chopper but with WAV files.
  2. shiroh

    shiroh Guest

    since i don't chop audio much i use the wave editor that comes with nero.

    or if for video with the audio, virtualdub

    in your other post you did said audio extracted from dvd.
    nero wav editor doesn't decode ac3 or dts.
    and i tried with 6 channel wav, and no.

    you could just combine the vobs and load it up with vdubmod and cut necessarily and demux audio.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2005
  3. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    What type of Wave is it? 5.1 Wave? It sounds like you want to Demux the wave into seprate audio streams. I don't know if you can do that or not.

    I'll be back,
  4. mod155

    mod155 Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    the audio was extracted from a dvd. i used DVD decrypter to extract the 2 channel audio stream from it, and i demuxed it. Now i have this file : VTS_03_1 - 0xA0 - Audio - LPCM - 2ch - 48kHz - 16bit - English - DELAY -66ms . It is in 2ch WAV format. You see, the whole file contains three different songs and i want to separate the three songs into three different files. If this helps anyone understand my situation better, can you help me ?

    I'll try the nero editor.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2005
  5. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    So your saying that the only audio streams that you have on the DVD are Wave file? That doesn't make any since. Is this a store bought DVD? VOB files use the AC3 audio format because it is lossy compressed (like Mp3). If it is a store bought DVD it should be an AC3 file. DVD Decrypter only creates Wave file when you copy the audio stream in "Raw" mode (to my knowlege). Why is more than one song mixed into the Wave file?

    How large is your Wave file?
  6. mod155

    mod155 Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Yes, the dvd was store bought. I bought a cd and the DVD came with it.I went to decrypter and demuxed the 2ch AC3 audio stream, after it was demuxed it was changed into a 2 ch wave file. (like i wanted it to)
    im not sure why there is more than one song in the wave file, oh and it is 92,155 kb.
  7. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    Why didn't you want the AC3 file? Its much smaller. There are plenty of apps that can manipulate AC3 files (well realy only two). All I can say is make sure that you only selected one audio stream (and that any other settings you have changed don't automaticly change your intended outcome during the Demuxing process).

  8. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    Didn't I answer this already someplace else?
    Using DVDDecrypter in IFO mode, you can demux your audio to separate file.
    Select the 3 individual songs as chapters, within Decrypter, and demux them one at a time, individually.
    You will then get 3 files for your 3 songs - provided they are identified by chapter on the original DVD :)
    Many concert films and/or 'homemade' DVDs have LPCM (WAV) audio, not AC3...
  9. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    Wait, I see:

    I didn't read that line correctly. Thats why its a Wave (LPCM-Wave) file. My bad. Sorry mod155. I was being a know it all.

    Listen to The_OGS!
  10. mod155

    mod155 Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    I need some help. i took a dvd and decrypted the audio from it. now i have a dvd file of 374,574 kb (it is a VOB). i want to transcode it to mp3. I tried using Besweet. But im not sure what i did wrong because it didnt work, that program confuses me sometimes. Can anyone help me with this? thx i read a couple of threads about besweet, but i still dont get it
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2005
  11. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    Wassup Mod - where y'at?
    Lemme see; if you have a 375MB WAV file, that's about 1/2 hour of music, right?
    You said you demuxed the WAV to separate file.
    Now you are saying it's a VOB...?
    Do your three songs by chapter, like I said, and you'll get 3 WAVs.
    I would then use CDex
    to create VBR MP3s :)
    BeSweet is a great program, but I use its Azid function only, to turn AC3 5.1 into WAV.
    (The Azid is great - it runs two passes on the AC3, and will gain the WAV up to reference -0dB. Sometimes this is an increase of 5-10 or 12dB!)
    But if you have your WAV you don't need Azid; you need CDex and LAME 3.96.1
  12. mod155

    mod155 Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    OGS, you kinda confused me im still not sure what im doing. Can you take me step by step on changing the VOB to MP3. I dont know how to use besweet at all. thx
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2005
  13. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    Let's see now...
    Are you here?
    If you have LPCM audio, you very likely have a concert-film or something... right? And you are talking about 3 songs, so let's say yes :)
    You need to run DVDDecrypter 3 times, each time identifying only one song by chapter, and demux each song to separate file, individually.
    You'll then have three smaller WAVs instead of one big one.
    That is the trick! If you can Stream Select and Demux LPCM audio to separate file, you will get WAV not VOB.
    You said you had done this already.
    If you have a WAV (or 3 WAVs) it is a simple matter to compress to MP3 or whichever compressed-audio format pleases you.
    Forget BeSweet - if you have WAV you don't need it, you can make MP3 with CDex ;-)
    (If your DVD had only AC3 audio, THEN you would need BeSweet.)
  14. mod155

    mod155 Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Sorry the_OGS, this is not the same dvd as i was talking about before (my fault i didnt mention that).
    This dvd only has a 5.1 AC3 audio stream. i decrypted that through dvd decrypter , now i have this 375mb VOB. So i do have to use BeSweet right? If i do, i need help on this one. thanks for the help.

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