Does anyone know of a program that can manipulate waveforms, and generate sounds based off waveforms? And if there are any programs, could they work with an oscilloscope (or more precisely, the waveform generated from the oscilloscope)? If so, please share. Thanks P.S. I realize this might be a esoteric area of digital technology. I also realize that I could be retarded, and that there is an abundance of such programs. Save the comments for suggesting programs please/
This part of your question is very confusing. An oscilloscope is a display device, and as such can only show waveforms and not generate them. If you are looking for programs that can generate waveforms to display on a scope, Googling 'software waveform generator' produced a few.
Sorry about the lack of clarity. There are digital oscilloscopes that can make a digital representation of a waveform. I was wondering if there are any programs that can take these digital representations and edit/generate sound with them.