Hi all I say we need an off topic as i want to ask about TFT monitors and you cant on here. or other things come to that! as we talk on backing up which is excellant! but all this is connected to computers and one main thing we all have is a MONITOR! to type and read on! I am trying to ind info out on what hertz is best as i like gaming as a side line and i hear that some TFT monitors cant handle games graphics! SO PLEASE who ever has the say here can we have an OFF TOPIC of sorts for other computers needs! as these are important to! and also its good for business as more topics more people! and more advertizing for the site which must bring cash for this great site! we all like a bit of cash! Thx...
There might be room for that up in Blasteroids and that might be a way to start rolling some convos up there too!
hi all Hey there praetor hows it? you got me here on the "blasteriods?" but what do you think a good idea? or not? Thx all...