Weather Experiences?

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Doggy_Bot, May 7, 2005.

  1. Doggy_Bot

    Doggy_Bot Guest

    I would like to know what kind oh weather experiences with maybe with a Tornado, Hurcane, Thunder Storm, Flood, or something else related to Weather...

  2. Doggy_Bot

    Doggy_Bot Guest

  3. OU812Ono

    OU812Ono Regular member

    Nov 20, 2004
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    Well my biggest recent experience with bad weather was Hurricane Charlie. I live in Cape Coral,fl which is about 2 minutes away from Ft Myers "see pic below". Been through alot of bad weather i.e. 40'+ seas on cruises, insane lighting storms while camping in the carolina's, all sorts of nasty stuff, but the hurricane tops it so far. It literally cut the island where I go fishing in half. I have some video somewhere, I might grab some screencaps if I can find my Xanax lol.

    This is after it passed us, but I think the eye was 5 miles off the coast when it went by.
  4. zippyd

    zippyd Active member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    I've been through a tornado. I was in the army and stationed in Texas. The funnel passed within 1/2 mile of base and tore up lots of stuff. Golfball and baseball size hail covered the lawn.... couldn't see the grass. An hour later it was all melted away....
  5. squizzle

    squizzle Active member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    Hey ou812, I used to live in Port Charlotte. Hurricane Hugo almost hit us, that was pretty scary. We got hit with a tropical storm one night and I slept through the whole thing. I watched a tornado touch down once. That was creepy. It was like 2 in the afternoon and the sky was dark like it was 8pm. When you looked up you saw a very dark black cloud but above that were regular cirrus clouds and a blue sky. Everything had kind of an orange-ish tint to it. Me and my friends got in my car and started driving, then one of my friends started freaking out. I looked and saw the tornado form and that was probably one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. I drove about 100 mph all the way home.
  6. Doggy_Bot

    Doggy_Bot Guest

    Cool, I have 2 Tornado experiences...The 1st one was in Sandbanks, Ontario,
    we were at a camp site and i was the first one up int the morning cause i heard thunder and then my mom woke up, and then the weather worsened and I said "It looks like a Tornado!" Frantickly we started to gather all are things and rushed into the van...Hopefully we ran into a STARBUCKS, JK but we found a restaurant and ran in...we later checked on the news and found out it was a F2!

    My secound encounter with this magnifisent specticle took place in Houston, Texas... I was just finishing up dinner and found out that a "supercell" was entering are region...I thought it might be maybe a Thunderstorm...about 45 minutes later i'm looking out my window (of course it was night) and i see lightning and in its light I see a Cylinder/Cone chaped object appear, then i rush the TV and the weather guy says a tornado is in the area...I soon gather all my family members and rush into the closet...about another 45 minutes later we came out and thankfully it didnt hit us! We soon find out it was a cross between a F2/and F3...
  7. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Here in west/central ohio,we get our share of ice storms,tornados and a few snow storms,but the blizzard of "78" was the worst by far. I'm not sure of the amount of snow we had,but we were snowed in for over a week waiting for the national guard to plow out our country road. Down our road,there is a 15 foot deep ditch with trees and telephone poles on the top of the ditch. The blowing snow litterly filled that ditch and the telephone poles and wires acted like a snow fence and the blowing snow covered all of them. By the time the national guard got that plowed out,it was like a canyon. I was only 10 years old,but can still remember walking on top of those phone lines. We even had tunnels dug throughout that ditch. We had to have the farmers with snowmobiles go get us food at the nearby town and there wasn't much food left in the store.

    Anybody else remember that storm?
  8. tsquare43

    tsquare43 Regular member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    2 Hurricanes. Hurricane Camille in August 1969 came through the Gulf Coast and destroyed it. I grew up in Hattiesburg, MS (60 miles inland) and we had sustained winds of 145 mph. No power for 8 days in August in MS!!!

    Hurricane Iniki in Hawaii (I think it was 1991) and I landed in Honolulu 30 minutes before they closed the airport. Friggin rain and debrie blowing everywhere. Screwed up the trade winds for 4 days and it was pretty damn hot/muggy until they came back.
  9. Doggy_Bot

    Doggy_Bot Guest


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