Discussion in 'All other topics' started by TomSG, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. TomSG

    TomSG Guest

    I have more than 60GB of MP4 files that I’m wanting to host on a web site so that they’re available for people to pay me something to download. There’s 70 odd files and if the project works and pays for itself I’m wanting to spend a lot more of my time in expanding the number of MP4 files available for download and so I’ll therefore need a host that will allow me to expand my space when needed.

    The MP4 files are footage dating back some nearly ten years and originates on video tape. It’s footage from British television but is individual and unique in its content in that it is focused on one sole subject that I strongly feel will be of interest to many. The project will hopefully expand because I have hundreds of tapes on the subject bringing us up to the present and beyond. All the footage is relevant and of interest for today.

    There are many problems I need a solution to, and please bare in mind I am a near computer illiterate.

    The first is my concerns about breaking copyright cause it’s stuff from television. But my projects are (like said) focused on one theme, and have never been shown in a similar way to what I am offering. To ensure my site is not removed I am assuming I should host my site somewhere abroad. If so, where?

    What I’m wanting to offer is something unique. It’s more of a passion with me and down the line I’d like to offer a forum for comments and visitors to send any clips of relevance for later editions. I’d like to host in the UK, it would be easier and I’d be able to collect what money I gain. But I don’t want closed down.

    Oh well, maybe there’s someone out there that understands what I’m about
  2. RGFindlay

    RGFindlay Guest

    There's a few ways to go about this...
    If your fee is for Services and NOT the Product, you should be clear as it's Broadcasts...
    My host for a comparable amount of Data is StreamLine.net
    They run a great service...
    I am also working on a Web Server of my own... You could consider doing the same... Apache Software can make this possible for you...

    I am interested to know more of this footage... More so if it's BBC...

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