Hi All.. I have a Nokia Dbox2 with Sportster. Networked using Belkin wireless router, I can access the web interface by entering the Dbox's IP into Internet Explorer. However, after about 5 minutes (sometimes less), the connection drops. That is, regardless of which button within the web interface page I press, I get "page cannot be displayed". If I press F5, the whole page reports "page cannot be displayed". However, if I ping the dbox in cmd, all is ok. What is causing the web interface to stop working? Also, xmediagrabber returns error msg "No Connection to DBox"...yet back into cmd, pinging the dbox proves successful. Can anybody shed some light? Thanks..
Just to share info... I've solved this problem. It's all down to my xbox (when it's turned on)! My router sits on top of my xbox. When I either take the router off the xbox, or leave it on top but turn the xbox off....all is ok. I think it's either heat from the xbox or the fluorescent light. Conclusion: If you ever have connection problems with your dbox2 or PC, make sure your router's not near any bright lights or heat source.
Hya Benifa, Just spotted your problem with the Belkin Wireless setup, and as I have the same setup, I was wondering if you could help me? When I go into Network Settings, there are two or three connections to choose from, and not all have information that is req'd to connect to the DBOX. Could you please tell me how you did it, as yes , you can guess I'm new to all of this, but some info would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance PRENDY.
Hya benifa, Thanks for answering so quickly, what I really need to know is, which connection did you use to get in touch with the DBOX,the only connection I have that has the details I need to connect is the connection I use for my computer wireless connection.If I was to disable this and then connect to the DBOX with it, would doing that disrupt the wireless connection.Thanks in advance P.
Hi.. I still can't really see where you're going wrong.. Just connect the dbox and router via standard ethernet cable, and your PC over wirless.. Give a static IP to each. Since belkin routers have an IP of, then call the PC and the dbox Have I missed something?
Hi again, It is not that you are missing something, it's that I am missing something.I have not done this as yet, and fearful of upsetting the wireless settings. I will have to get in and have a try, sorry if it all sounds confusing to you, and thanks once again, P.
Hi, just an update on progress so far, I managed to set up the DBOX Link, to the router, and set up the Local Area Net Card up with the I.P. address of the Dbox, then Start,Run,CMD, on computer, and there were the Dbox settings, I did not flash an image as the box came with an image,(Looks like Lara Croft) supposedly Sportster, I don't know. Then after this I ran scan and got 151 transponders and 38 channels, whereas before I was getting nothing at all, but when it came to the end of scan all the named channels were there, but no visual. So I will persevere, and see what happens. Any Ideas gratfully accepted, Thanks P.
I would recommend flashing a different image.. One step you went wrong - don't set the PC IP address the same as the Dbox - it has to be different but in the same range, eg PC= and dbox= Once you done this, FTP an new image (.img) to the /tmp folder on the dbox.. You can then flash this image using the dbox remote, "write one partition"..
Hya benifa, UPDATE: I managed to reflash the box, after a lot of trial and error, and managed to get sportster 1.7 img. onto the box, which found 188 trans, but only a few channels. So swapped that img. for Commando 6. W-O-D. this brought up 330 transponders which was scanned with Bruteforce, but only found 30 channels which were nothing special,BBC1, ITV. etc. so don't really know where to go from here. Some of the channels are sticking and freezing, and I still can't get the computer and box to talk to each other, although they are both within range of each other. I have the service files for my area, whether that will make a difference, but I thought a scan would do that. I'm getting nearer though!