Hi there I was wondering if anyone here could give me some advice. I have always been interested in computing and web design and would love to get a job in that field. For example my sister has just started an internet business and paid someone to make her a web site that was fully interactive. If I wanted to study in this field what qualifications would I need to get me started. As im a novice im a bit baffled by the range of courses available and wouldn’t want to waste my time (or money). I work full time and was looking at the Open University website (as im in the UK). Ultimately I would like to be a confident P.C user able to create and design web pages using the latest tools. Being able to design a forum based website or online shop (you get the general idea). I hear the words css and php knocked around allot. So can any of you point me in the right direction? Hope so and remember I live in the UK. Thanks allot for reading
well, the classes necessary for you would be any base-level computing classes and up. anything with "web page design" in the title is exactly what you're looking for, though some basic programming and computer graphics classes would only help you further.