
Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Alien13, Jul 2, 2005.

  1. Alien13

    Alien13 Guest


    I want to make a website where i could have pics, links,info, etc is there any web host that can give this for free? What would u reccomend
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2005
  2. Alien13

    Alien13 Guest

  3. CJC

    CJC Regular member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    There are heaps of free hosts out there, only problem is that 99% of them display ads in return for their free service.

    If you are looking at building your website, there is a Free OpenSource program called Nvu, which is a good program if you dont want to spend out $1,000 on a program like Dreamweaver

    You can download Nvu from http://www.nvu.com/download.html (choose the nvu-1.0-win32-installer-full.exe file

    Having a look at both the links you said, they seem to be pretty good.

    Other well known free sites are http://www.geocities.com , http://tripod.lycos.com etc

    Also depending on your ISP, 90% of them offer free webspace, which usually doesnt include ad's.

  4. Alien13

    Alien13 Guest

    Thanks will try them :)
  5. Alien13

    Alien13 Guest

    I have d/L the program and was wonderin if u knew a link to a guide or if u could post one thanks.

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