Website Hosting

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Starrift, Feb 2, 2006.

  1. Starrift

    Starrift Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    ok theres all these free-website sites out thee witch are all crap and theres the whole hosting a custom made site through a commercial web host thing. i want to no if theres a way i can host a website /w NO monthly cost other than the price of my internet conection. so my question is, how can i, register my own domain name and host my own website /w out having to pay. (by not payig i meen like hosting the site off a server that i own or somthing like that)
  2. SypherTek

    SypherTek Guest

    you can host a website on your own computer... that what i do for my site.

    unless you have a static IP address (which i very much doubt you do) youll need to sign up to NO-IP and get your self a free registered domain. youll also need to download the NO-IP client.

    basically NO-IP runs on your computer and updates your registered address with your computers IP address everytime you sign on to the internet.

    once you have that set up youll need to download WAMP. this is a program which has everything you need to host the website on your computer and when its setup properly you can use either PHP Nuke or XOOPs to actually make your website. (id advise php nuke as its easier to set up)

    have a look at these links if you want to have a go at it. there should be guides and tips for setting everything up on the sites

    remeber doing it this way means no monthly bills for hosting, no limits on space for files on your site and you dont have to have those annoying ad banners (unless someones paying you to have them)

    also if you want a .com or or what ever address for your site check out - they sell domain names cheap you can get domain for £6.10 (.com domains cost quite a bit more) and if your hosting the site yourself all you have to do is make your or .com point to your address (its easy)
  3. samuraicb

    samuraicb Member

    May 24, 2004
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    I know of a company that provides 25mb of free webspace and a subdomain with no ads! PM me for details. offers all sorts of .com/ etc domains for $8.88
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2006

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