Hi there, I'm hoping someone can shed some light on a problem i'm having with playing back all types of video file in any player including wmp, realplayer, powerdvd, vlc. I'm using ffdshow and up until recently have never had a problem, this last couple of weeks though i can be watching a video and all of a sudden after a few minutes of playing back fine the video will go all weird - like moving bars of different colours on a black background, the bars, incidentally are shaped like a right angle as though you were looking at one corner of a rectangle. If i reboot the problem sorts itself out but only temporarily before it goes like it again. The audio still plays fine. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the codec pack but to no avail and i'm now at a loss - any help would be appreciated, thanks.
VLC doesn't use installed filters, so ffdshow, etc. should not effect it. That would mean that your problem relates to directx, your video card, drivers, etc. not codecs. You could also try mplayer though.
thanks for the input... here's a thing - I uninstalled ffdshow and tried installing divx pack instead, this has fixed the problem for divx and xvid files, but when i try and watch a dvd either from the disc or the hard drive i still get the same problems. I'm using powerdvd for dvd's. Surely this indicates its not my video card? thanks for any help
Different players can use different renderers, for instance you could have a problem that effects overlay but not VMR renderless. So you are saying that uninstalling ffdshow made VLC work again? Really that shouldn't be possible.
If I were...competely unistall klite codec pack including ffdshow. Just chuck it right out the window. Install divx create bundle so you have the divx player, converter, and codec. Then use the divx player to watch the avis. I currently have this setup going and the only problem I have is Im stuck watching the avi in divx player or classic media player. The divx avis run black and white on media player 10. Probally missing one codec, but anyway this is all you need. Divx pack and either classic media player or dix player. I do heavy encoding with virtual dub and convertxtodvd. I havnt needed anything other xvid codec and ogg codec.....
Yeah, it doesn't make any sense, does it? I have way too many types of players probably too. I guess what I need to do is as ozzy suggests and chuck some stuff out and get back to basics. I don't really wanna wipe the system clean and start over (although i have been tempted!) Any ideas about the dvd part? It's real annoying, i just tried to watch a dvd just now and it's the same, once a dvd corrupts, i have to reboot the system to get anything to play. So long as i stick to xvid it's ok. Have tried uninstalling and reinstalling different versions of powerdvd which seems to work for a while then prob reoccurs. I tried installing video card drivers again and updating directx etc. Could it be the dvd decoder? It doesn't make any sense... It's been fine for months, sooo frustrating!! Anyways thanks again for the help guys
Check ya processes as well. You may have a shit load of stuff running eating up resources. At the run rompt under start type msconfig and disable anything from starting up. The only thing you really need is your antivirus on startup. As far as the dvd, check the ide cable going from mobo to the rom. If it looks crappy or inched change it. Alsdo check under device manager to make sure the rom is running in dma mode not pio.