Weird Files. (?)

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by camw, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. camw

    camw Member

    Jun 16, 2009
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    Hello everyone. Just recently, I was moving some music from my laptop to my desktop using a 4GB flash drive.

    Once I plugged it into my desktop to copy the music, it wouldn't let me move it all. I moved them one by one until I came to Radiohead. Inside, in the album "The Bends" there were several files and folders with very odd characters for names and they were unmovable/un-deletable.

    This was also the case with a Firefox Portable folder on the same flash drive. I formatted it and its OK now, but I was wondering what this was that happened. Here's some pictures.


    [​IMG] As you can see in this one, as I hover over the folder, it says it's larger that 9.5GB and that's impossible since it's in a 4GB flash drive.

    Anyone else experience this or have an answer to what happened here?
  2. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    sounds like you have some corrupted files or the partition format on the flash drive is corrupted. try reformatting the drive

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