i have a dbox2 which i bought for a friend. now the problem is that when he tunes it in it finds 70 transponders but no channels. when i tune it in at my home i find 70 transponders and 303 channels. tried a starview and eurovox box at his house and they work perfectly. the funny thing is we have also tried another dbox2 and it worked. could anyone shed any light on this and should i contact the seller of the box.
A sagem is not a nokia and for the sagems 2 different tuners were used. Remove all splitters and connect the box directly to the cable feed. If the result is better you need a booster.
another sagem dbox 2 worked on the supply that mine wont. where do i get a booster and of what cost are they??
is there an idiots guide to what to do with a box from scratch?? i dont really wanna have to send it to germany. what with the champions league football on the now ha ha
hi there i have tried a signal booster and this does not help the problem. i am at my wits end as this box works perfectly in my house but nothing at all in my friends. however a starview box works a eurovox works and even an old analogue cable box with a mod chip works. please could someone shed some light on this as its really puzzling me to the point where i do not know what to do.
Check the numbers for BER SIG SNR at a not so good working channel without booster and with booster. Red button blue button.
Then check the numbers from some none working channels. The channel list from your house should be valid if both cable feeds are located in the same cable area. If your cable feed is pure NTL and the other is TW for instance you should choose the right scanning option.
Download services.xml and bouquets.xml from the working box and upload both files to the other box and reboot that box. After that check the numbers for a few channels.