WGA54G Game Adapter wirless G FTP problem

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by markman24, May 28, 2004.

  1. markman24

    markman24 Member

    May 28, 2004
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    I just bought the linksys wireless-G game adapter. I can connect to XBCONNECT fine , but evox can't locate a ip from the wireless lan. If I use straight through normal cat 5 it assigns it an ip address. How can I get an ip from a wireless connection. It shows at yet still can connect to xbconnect. I want to be able to ftp my games out of xbox and into computer hard drive via wireless transfer.
    Last edited: May 30, 2004
  2. lcarbutt

    lcarbutt Regular member

    Jan 26, 2004
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    make sure everythin is connected up BEFORE you turn your xbox on, then you should get a proper ip.
  3. markman24

    markman24 Member

    May 28, 2004
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    I already tried that, but still no ip. I wanted to stay with DHCP enabled instead of Static but I may not have a choice.
  4. Mahamoti

    Mahamoti Member

    Jun 2, 2004
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    I'd love to know if you got this working.

    I just got my mod together, and I'm having a hell of a time getting anything to work behind my WGA54G. Standard Xbox bios/dashboard has no trouble connecting to Live!, but when I boot evox, I can pull an IP (evox IP shows up in router client list, as well), but can't FTP, tracert, or ping that IP from my PC.

    My goal originally was to have a pair of xboxen on a hub behind the WGA54G... I'd love to hear someone's success story, or a confirmation that it's not possible!
  5. markman24

    markman24 Member

    May 28, 2004
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    I still did not get it working. I had one success of the xbconnect recognizing the ip from the linksys wireless-G game adapter. It showed it on EVOX within system but when I went to load a game and wait while it searchs for games within the system link there is no connection. It recognized my xbox time time with xbconnect but the IP went away before I could play a game. I tried static and that didn't work and when you reboot the static went away. It works really well with PS2 though if the firewall on the linksys router is off and opening game port 8602 in the application and gaming port section of the router configurations.
  6. markman24

    markman24 Member

    May 28, 2004
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    I just wanted to let everyone know I did get the Linksys Wireless-G game adapter working now on the xbox. It always worked on PS2, but with a moded xbox it wouldn't work. I connected the game adapter back to my computer an reconfigured it. I disabled the wep security that I had put at 64 since that is what my linksys router encryption is set for on my router. I reconfigured it as disabled. I gave the game adapter the same ip, but I used DHCP to have my ip assigned and it worked. XBconnect recognized my xbox and can play online. I also opened other things on my regular wireless g router like disabling firewall, enabling dmz with the ip address of the xbox and/or opening port routing at 8602. I believe it is working without that setting right now but I will look. I can also FTP!!!!!!! yeah!!!! I connected to xbox to ftp games from the hard drive back to my desktop computer hard drive. It connected fine using the ip of the xbox and user name xbox password xbox.
  7. VenimK

    VenimK Guest


    also have the WGA54G since this week.
    There is a connection, but, ftp transfer speed is less then 1mb/.sec, terrible ain 't it :(

    Using the WRT54G Linksys Wifi router.
    Is there anyting special that ya have the do.

    Wga is setted like the router, for essid, wep etc..
    Been calling linksys support numerous times, they don 't know it either ????

  8. markman24

    markman24 Member

    May 28, 2004
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    I have my Wep security and firewall off, I know not the greatest idea. The xbox seems to need the wep off on the game adapter and the ps2 can't handle the firewall being on. Neither the ps2 or the xbox can be recognized if I do the mac filtering. The Linksys router doesn't recognize if I have the mac filtering on. I am going to mess with it later, but the speed seemed to be ok. I am going to transfer a game to my computer hard drive today so I will have a better answer. I took it off mixed mode and only allow G mode, I heard that speeds things up.
  9. markman24

    markman24 Member

    May 28, 2004
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    Hi again,

    I just transfered ghost recon island thunder to my desktop hard drive and it FTP'd at around 3Megs per second so around 2 to 3 megs slower than my cat 5 cable, but faster than your 1 Megabyte transfer. I would recommend doing G Only and Not mixed mode, plus make sure you have it set for full duplex on your desktop. You need full duplex mode to get full speed.
  10. VenimK

    VenimK Guest

    What is your cat5 cable connection then 10mb/sec, 12mb/sec ???
  11. markman24

    markman24 Member

    May 28, 2004
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    My Cat 5 is 100mbps 100 Mega bits per second equals around 5 megabytes per second. I am not sure of the calculation. It has been awhile since I knew that. The Gigabit ethernet is 10 times faster though. It would be so cool if the xbox and ps2 had gigabit. It would be lighting fast transfer rate if you had a gigabit ethernet card in your desktop. It only takes like 10 to 15 minutes to transfer a game though with 100mbps or with the 56mbps.
  12. alewis

    alewis Member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    Actually, 100mb ethernet gives you nearer 8MB/sec. 100mbit /8 = 12.5megabyte. Due to frame and packet overhead (which can add 30%), you will never achieve anything like this for application throughput, which is why ethenet craps out at 70% point to point, and 40% in a shared environment (which is what wireless is - shared... an etheral version of cheapernet or hub networks...)

    Full duplex 100mb improves this slightly, as both ends can transmit simultaneously, but in a one way file copy the benefit is minimal; the receiving end will send ACKs every so often without interupting the transmitting end. This can lead to a noticeable increase in throughput when sending large files in small chunks, or lots of small files.

    I wont go into deatails about how your 64byte ping packet ends up as a large 1600+byte frame on the wire (adding tcp header, ip header to make a valid packet; adding MAC address, DSAP, SSAP, LLU, etc to make a frame, add the PDU, preamble, etc to push it onto the wire... tis boriiingggg!) You just need to know that whatever you think you send, a LOT more gets added to it, all of which uses some of that 100mbit bandwidth and so decreases real throughput.

    In a very real way, this is why 4mb Token Ring was superior to 10mb ethernet, and even 16mb Token Ring can give 100mb ethernet a run for its money still (in a large LAN).

    I notice you guys are using Linksys routers. Did you know that the Linksys doesnt use a traditional rom firmware, but rather a Linux kernal OS? As such it can be customised... And linksys encourage people to do so... Check out the sveasoft upgrade "firmware" for the Linksys series of products. They have really worked some magic, like making the damm thing work properly. I only found this out courtesy of wwww.2cpu.com... follow the link from a recent front page news article on a blown network switch(!)

    I wasnt going to bother with Linksys, after hearing that it is essentially cheap n cheeful (£100 ukp) and was going for the Draytek Vigor 2600G (£170ukp). Sveasoft might just change my mind on this!

    Here's the link to the review referenced by 2cpu


    Last edited: Jun 8, 2004
  13. too_buku

    too_buku Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    I am having the same problems that you had. Could you please elaborate on your setup a little more.

    You say that you set your ip manually to the same (as the xbox I assume), but then used DHCP to have it assigned.

    I can only assume the wireless device wants to be transparent else how would you be able to ping or FTP the xbox via another ip?

    My setup is using 11Mb linksys card, with the manual settings of, and 192.1680.0.1.

    I initially set the game adaptor to via RJ45 and I could ping it. Once I took it off, moved it downstairs and plugged it into the xbox, I could no longer ping it.

    Am I missing something more fundamental?
  14. markman24

    markman24 Member

    May 28, 2004
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    The only static IP I have is my computer. On the wireless router I enabled a block of 50 ips starting at a number that is just above what my computer ip is set to be. For example: computer ip (static IP) all other ip will be assigned by DHCP starting at When I set the linksys game adapter it wanted me to enter a static IP, I entered one or I think they had a default one. It really doesn't matter because the wireless router will override that setting on the game adapter and give the xbox an IP. I have DHCP assigned and it provided my Xbox with so I can then FTP it with any FTP program by plugging that IP address in and using user name and password as Xbox. I had problems with enabling encryption on the game adapter so I left it without WEP and just put none. I do have my firewall up and it still works. You can't connect to the Xbox via FTP or pinging I believe unless you navigate to a sub menu on the xbox OS under System setttings where it shows IP or the media center page. I assume you are using Evox. Well, hope this helps.
  15. too_buku

    too_buku Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    Thanks for the reply.

    One thing I neglected to mention is that I am not using a router, just peer to peer and set to ad-hoc mode.

    I have just left the xbox on Avalaunch as this is how I have always FTP'd it without problems (should I switch to another program?).

    Sorry, this may be basic, but is there a setting on the xbox to use a dynamic ip as you say it was given, or was that by your router?
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2004
  16. markman24

    markman24 Member

    May 28, 2004
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    Well if you are using peer to peer you have to have static, but in my case I use the router and you must enable DHCP on the XBox. I never heard of avachance the ftp you use, but I use fxp ftp and it works well. You have to use a cross over cable if you are doing peer to peer, I don't think you can do peer to peer wireless, but never tried it. If you use a router you use a straight through CAT 5. Well, wish I could be more help, but not really sure of your setup.
  17. too_buku

    too_buku Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    Avalaunch is the xbox menu.

    For FTP'ing, I use flash FXP and used to go through a hub. The hub has just given up on me so I have decided to go wireless so I don't have to lug that big box upstairs.

    So you can enable dynamic IPs on the box? I have only had it a couple of months and this is yet more unchartered territory for me.

    The crossover cable is for peer to peer without a hub/switch, but straight through cable should be used between the xbox and the WGA54G.

    So, it sounds like I should be using DHCP on the Xbox, and from what I have read this can be done with EvoX (is this correct?). Then set the WGA54G to Ad-hoc mode, its default ip setting and match the channel to my pc.

    Thanks again
  18. markman24

    markman24 Member

    May 28, 2004
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    Yes EvoX definitly has a setting for DHCP and/or Static. It also has an option for enabling or disabling FTP or even Telnet. I don't have the Avanache menu or OS you are referring too. I use the Evox Os and the menu shows a list of choices one of which is system settings. which allows for IP configuations. Hope you get it working!

  19. too_buku

    too_buku Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    I am still having no joy so I have a few more questions if you don't mind.

    Avalaunch seems to have the same available settings as EvoX. I set the xbox to DHCP and the WGA54G to a static IP with the subnet as and gateway as

    I assume there is no need to adjust the proxy setting?
    Should I be able to ping the wireless adaptor too (when it is attached to the xbox)? I can ping it when connected to the PC for configuration. If not then I have a more fundamental problem.
    It appears in the found devices during a site search on the Linksys app. Does the linksys network connection conflict with the windows one, or am I right to assume they are the same one?

    Looking at your original post, Avalaunch shows initially, then after 10 seconds or so, it is followed with "Err."

    I did also try this with EvoX, but also no joy.


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