I just built a new pc, its the first time ive ever owned a core 2 duo and assumed that it would have no problem running games, especially older games! But when i installed "NFS Most wanted Black" it ran awesome (as it should) but when i turned all the graphics options up it lagged. Shouldnt my system run this perfectly as it is an older game on a brand new pc? What am i missing??? And what do i need to make this a good gaming pc??? *Intel core2duo E4600 2.4ghz FSB800 2mb cache. *XFX nForce m/board, 7150 GeForce onboard graphics 256mb. *Mushkin 2x1GB DDR2 800mhz DIMM. *160 gig HDD IDE.
you will need a video card. if you are on a budget get this one. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150294 if you can spend a little more get this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150252
Your graphics card is shockingly bad. New PCs don't come with graphics cards usually unless you pay a lot for them. Krj's recommendations are good, however you will almost certainly also need to change your power supply to use them - for that I recommend these: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139003 Be advised that if your PC is in a relatively small case, you may also need to change that as well.