Hello , Could anyone tell me what exactly artefacts are . For example, I have this movie "Bad Boys II" (DVD-R) and sometimes I see some pixeles on the image like if it were a video stream on the internet, is that an artifact? Thanks
yep, thats what it is. if you see pixels on your backup, it almost always means you used cheap media. what brand are you using?
Thats your problem princo is crap. get some ritek g04 (about $0.45 each) and you wont have that problem.
and what about if the image freezes one second at the beginnig of every chapter , is that an artefact? One more thing, if the subtitles have spelling errors , is that an artefact too? and what about if the subtitles are not synchronized with the image(they do not appear when they should ,they do it vey late). Thanks