I had a buddy ask me do you know anyone that burns "hot cards" for direct tv satellite recievers ?? I just wanted to know what the heck he is talking about I seached a couple places but came up empty.
The card is programmed by the satallite provider to contol the channels you receive.A wide open card would give you all programming including ppv's and all the movie cannels.They used to be a big deal once,even tried it myself.It became an losing battle trying to keep up with DTV.so I gave up. I've got dish net. now and it's all legit,really don't know if they still mess with those other cards anymore cause they were always getting zapped! Besides it's illegal and I don't think we are allowed to even discuss it here.
O i did not no that Thank you, I heard of chips in the cable box but never this. Do you no how to burn them? Is it a disc or what? I was just curious Thank you!
Well like I said,I did mess around with it way back.It is a card (about the size of a credit card) that gets inserted into the front of the receiver.You have to get whats called a smart card readed/writer along with the software to program the card.It's a pain in the a$$ to keep up with(constantly changing codes) and in my opinion not worth getting caught doing. Tell your friend what I've told you and let him make his own decision,but I would suggest either he pay the price or find a less expensive legal alternative.Hope I was of some help. B.W.
its almost like programming a credit card but like boxwrench said they zap them like once a week and most people charge like 20 bucks just to make one