I am looking for a alternative OS but I know littel about the subject. Is Linux Open Office Suite a good Office suite software with word processing and such? Are there any recommended linux OS that will not have drivers available so I will not have compatiability issues?
Try one of the numerous live distros avaiable to see what you think. Most would include open office, also there are win32 builds of open office available.
I pretty much just want a complete Alternative OS that is just as good or comparable to XP SP2, inexpensive(prefer free version if available), and is compatiable with many MS software.
Like I said, try a live distro and see what you think. Expect some work though in getting win32 apps running. The great thing about live distros is that you can try out various linux distros without effecting your PC at all.
To Celtic d: but I have no idea what you are talking about? Maybe you can pm me and I can give you my email address and you can teach me further from there.