I've posted several messages in this forum but nobody answers them so I thought I'd ask what (senior members) or other members prefer to encode their .avi or .mpeg2 to DVD. I've tried Cucusoft but it doesn't work with all .avi files. I've tried VSO which works with all .avi but the results are not that fabulous and are pixelated. I tried AVI2DVD and it seems to have the best results (using HC encoder) but it doesn't work with all .avi files. Can anybody recommend a program so I don't have to play with these 3 and can stick with one program.
really? VSO's DivxtoDVD? I tried the trial version and the output was somewhat pixelated. Maybe the 'pay' version is better?
Let me do some research. I've never done it myself with VSO's but I read a while ago that it was possible. You might know better than me.
Pixelation could depend on the quality of your source file too. VSOdivXtoDVD was my choice until I started using encoders and authoring tools. but Avi2DVD is also good, and The Film Machine too