What box has the best / longest EPG? ( now&next / 1 day / 3 days / 7 days)

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by Jimme, Aug 19, 2008.

  1. Jimme

    Jimme Regular member

    Oct 19, 2007
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    Just looking for a bit of info. I have a Dreambox 600T and a The Box T in the Cork MMDS area. I believe the real Ch0ru$ boxes show a 3 day EPG, but both of my boxes only show now & next. A box with a lengthy EPG is vital as more users move towards using PVRs. It would be great if users of other boxes could share info on the EPG ability of their receivers (without the need of downloading the info via the internet). The info which would be useful would be:

    - EPG length ( now&next / 1 day / 3 days / 7 days)
    - Name of receiver / box
    - MMDS / Cable
    - Area (Cork / Dublin / Galway / etc)
  2. Jimme

    Jimme Regular member

    Oct 19, 2007
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    Maybe I can get the ball rolling on this one:

    I have used 3 different boxes:

    - EPG length = NOW & NEXT
    - Name of receiver / box = DREAMBOX 600T
    - MMDS / Cable = MMDS
    - Area = CORK

    - EPG length = NOW & NEXT
    - Name of receiver / box = THE BOX T
    - MMDS / Cable = MMDS
    - Area = CORK

    - EPG length = NOW & NEXT
    - Name of receiver / box = DREAMBOX 500C
    - MMDS / Cable = CABLE
    - Area = CORK

    Does anyone know of a box that has an EPG greater than Now-&-Next?
  3. ruprect

    ruprect Regular member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    wiz569 told me how to get 3 days on a dbox2. You go to settings, misc and change to

    EPG-Remove after=0
    EPG-Long description=8
    Max Events=9999

    Then turn to city channel for 5mins and they all come in. Otherwise you get 1day. This is in dublin.

    On dreamboxes I got one day, but never tried the city channel trick. Seems it is a special channel with EPG info, in cork it may be a different station
  4. Jimme

    Jimme Regular member

    Oct 19, 2007
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    Thanks ruprect,

    ...but i dont think those options are available on the Dreambox 500 or 600. If I'm not wrong, the dbox2 is a rather old box at this stage.

    Other than using a plugins (which download epg data over the internet), I don't think it is possible to get a longer epg than Now&Next on any dreambox :(

    Anyone able to recommend a new mmds/cable (DVB-T/C) box with a decent epg?

  5. mikeecho

    mikeecho Member

    May 17, 2007
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    One of the other forums has a guide for Dreamboxs. It explains how to get a 7 day epg.
    it involves having your Dreambox connected to the internet.

    I'd post a link.. but i dunno if i'm allowed

  6. Jimme

    Jimme Regular member

    Oct 19, 2007
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    Hi mikeecho,

    Yip, I have the Internet 7 day guide set-up on my DreamBox 600T. It works, but it is far from ideal for a couple of reasons:

    1. To have 7 days EPG, you need to set it up to download a full weeks programming regularly (e.g. daily).

    2. There isn't sufficient non-volatile memory on the 600T to store a lengthy EPG (3 or more days), so the EPG data needs to be written to the internal hard drive (the 600T is a PVR).

    3. As each EPG write and read requires access to the hard drive, the drive spins, making it noisy and shortening the life span of my PVR :(

    4. The MMDS/cable signal holds EPG data for 3 days, which is going to waste. It would be nice if there was a box on the market that could harness this information.

    As PVR devices become more and more popular I can see the demand for a lengthy EPG growing. Nobody likes setting up those nasty VCR-like timers for recording!

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