Ok i just brought a new graphics card at newegg. Now its havin overheating problems. what should i do. any sujjestions of what type of fan to buy. is it possible to buy a fan that doesnt have to replace any other fans, like a freebie that can go anywhere u want it to be in the cp. and if so where do i have to hook it up Thanks In advance
get an agp slot fan that sits in a spare slot hopefully beside the videocard heatsink to pull hot air from card out of back of computer. does the video card have a fan on it & is there a card right beside the videocard heatsink??
its heatsink. but just one spot is heating up like crazy. i have no agp slots.are they fans like the one i asked
Will this do it, the 7th one down (Vantec Spectrum Fan Card (FG-004-VA) . http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/copy_of_copy_of_Vantec.html
you know the blank brackets that are held by a screw on the back of the case at the end of each slot whether pci or agp. a fan is attached to 1 of those brackets that has holes in it for the air from the fan to pass thru.
hey why is this fan so big? http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product_code=50063200&pfp=BROWSE
can you find me one of those blank brackets.and can u make sure u can buy at the sort like compusa.com or curcuitcity.com
that is a socket 7 & socket 370 heatsink & fan assembly. are about 1.75x1.75in square & that is small!!
what are the fans name that goes on top of the silver thing.thiers one on the wall, one in the power box and one ontop of the silver thing do you no what im talkin bout
the 1 in the box is the power supply fan & it blows the hot air out of the power supply & the computer case. the 1 on the case is a case fan blowing air out of the case if located on the back or pulls air into the case if located on the front of the case. the 1 on the silver thing should be your cpu heatsink fan & it blows air into the heatsink. check this link & at the bottom you'll see what a system blower looks like. http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/copy_of_Akasa.html
so if i put a system blowerjust below the graphics card it will suck in anything or just the hot air? http://www.circuitcity.com/rpsm/oid/98203/rpem/ccd/productDetailReview.do#tabs
my graphics card has a heatsink fan.so wouldint one of them burn out because there going against eachove or would it help?
the system blower will suck the hot air out from around the videocard heatsink hopefully keeping it cool