What can i use to mix a MP3...???

Discussion in 'Audio' started by Dsn, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. Dsn

    Dsn Member

    Jan 30, 2004
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    i just got my hands on a really good track.. but.. the song is only 2 minutes long.. i want to try my hand at making the song much longer...

    This might not make a difference But.. i am a classical trained musician...
    and.. i have been building and repairing computers for the past 20 years.. So.. i do know my way around my system...

    Okay.. that might not mean squat..

    i was just hoping that i could be pointed to some good software for ?mixing? and/or ?editing?, Not sure what term i should be using....

    A BIG Thanks to all for all the Help...


  2. Dsn

    Dsn Member

    Jan 30, 2004
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    Just a note.. i will be glad to share this track with anyone..
    There is already a ReMix of the song out...
    But.. it's just Okay...
    i like the Short Version better.. i just wish that it were much Longer...Much Much Longer...

    If anyone would Like... i would Love to see how someone else would "Mix" the song...


  3. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    There is allot of software out there but most of them arn't free. As far as free and / or open-source software [bold]Audacity[/bold] comes to mind. It comes loaded with features that you will be gald to have. I have started to use a program called [bold]KRISTAL[/bold]. It lets you mix up too 16 differnt tracks of sound together. The only downside to KRISTAL is that it doesn't support MP3. KRISTAL has a recording feature that allows you to record from any peripheral connected to your sound cards Line-In port.

    Another great program to use for recording sound using your Line-In port is [bold]Jet Audio 6 Basic[/bold]. Its also a fine media player for CDs, DVDs, and many other types of digital media files. Using differnt programs with there own abilties, may present the need to convert to dffernt file types. In your case audio file types. The app [bold]dBPowerAMP (dMC)[/bold] is the best audio convertor and CD ripper combo I have come across.


    Here is a link to all of the programs mentioned above



    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2004

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