I'm looking to build a new PC, willing to spend between $100-120 on the case, any suggestions out there? Thanks
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146047 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146038 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119137 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811112040
It's alright, better than the Lian Li I posted, but not as good as the NZXTs or Coolermaster (when full of fans)
Is this the same as the one you posted? $10 cheaper. If so I'll order it tonight. Do I want to go with Core2Duo or Quad?
My bad, I forgot to post a link to the one I was talking about: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3911521&Sku=A406-1101
Not much gaming, but I'll encode video files, do some programming, and I'll probably use it as a media server.
I have yet to spend more than $50.00 USD (tax, S&H incl.) for a case. IMHO every dollar I save on "sheet metal" is a dollar I can spend on the components that actually do the work. Yes, I will make the exception when I build my XPC later this year. Just another opinion.
I'm not going to attempt to defend my position against the "resident expert" for this forum. I've been building PCs since 1981 and haven't had a problem with "cut fingers and overheating components" yet. BTW, I didn't mean to imply that I was knocking TCs (or anyone elses choice on a case. I merely wanted to add an opinion, as I sure that's all you meant to do as well.
if you are looking for a gaming case with neons and fancy stuff you will have to spend more. if you are looking for a sophisticated, noise dampening case such as the sonata III or p180 you will also have to fork out a little more coin. I personally own a coolermaster elite 330 which is serving me very well. it is a well designed case with easy to use thumb screws and twist pegs for the drives.
I'll be honest with you, There's a lot you can get for $50 nowadays anyway, an Antec Three Hundred included, which for a number of PCs wouldn't suffer either of those problems. High end gaming PCs aren't suited to $50 cases really, but that doesn't mean you can't buy the case for $50 then spend more filling it up with fans. Doing this worked fine for my old PC (and no cut fingers! Man I wish they still made those SuperFlower cases) and a full-up 300 is an impressive rig indeed.