hey guys does anyone know what channel is wwe wrestlemania 23 this sunday coming on star view boxes... i cant see the sky box office channel on star view channel list there is three chaneel called liv eevent channel which 2 are like blank with a black screenand the other one is like saying press red button so i like to know ti will open up when the event comes on live and if its not coming on the liv eevent channel then where will it come on.... thanks...peace
on a dbox2 there are 2 pay perview channels. One is weekend football and the other will be stuff like boxing or wrestlemania. I imagine it will come up on one of your 3 channels automatically.
I just got the starview yesterday and loving it so far. I have a PPV Channel and PPV Football, it'll be on the PPV channel yes? And PPV Football is Prem Plus?
on mine ppv is on a cannel called tv 1573 , i think once game starts u need to switch it onto one these tv channels to actually watch the action