What DigitalCamera to buy?

Discussion in 'Digital photography' started by Burnzilla, Aug 23, 2004.

  1. Burnzilla

    Burnzilla Regular member

    Feb 22, 2004
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    Hey everyone, I want a digital camera but like new technology and there isn't one that has all that i want. I want at least a 4 megapixal camera, at least a 5x zoom (higher the better 10x preferably) good sized color lcd screen, compact flash expansion (or sd which is better?), SLR options (shutter speed etc) and would prefer it not to be too large. That's just off the top of my head. Any advice or suggestions would be great. Thanks a million:)
  2. victory48

    victory48 Guest

    What price range are you looking at? Both Canon and Nikon make several that meet your specifications.

  3. omronguru

    omronguru Guest

    Hi, one thing to consider here regarding your zoom requirements is in the prosumer and compact digital camera area watch out for digital zoom, this will quite seriously degrade the quality of your images as it isn't really a zoom at all, it merely limits the shot to the centre pixels of the display then increases the size of the pixels.
    If you can afford a DSLR I can recommend two models the Canon 10D or the Canon 300D, both 6.1 megapixel models which allow for superb prints at A3 and beyond.
  4. LeChuck66

    LeChuck66 Member

    May 13, 2004
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    I have just purchased the fuji finepix S500 digital camera. It has a 10x optical zoom plus a 2.2x digital one as well. All the usual SLR functions are included like P, AE, AP, SP, auto bracketing as well as full manual control. It even lets you add filters to the lens should you wish to get more creative with your shots. The resolution is 6 mega pixel plus it can double itself to 12 mega pixel. The results I have had are superb for a camera costing as little as £200 (I got mine from Argos for £215 as it was an ex display model). Fuji only supply a 16mb XD card with the camera but if you purchase a 256mb card it will be plenty big enough for all your needs. Check out the camera on Jessops or any other online shop and you will be able to see the full spec and awards that it has won.

  5. zombieman

    zombieman Regular member

    Nov 17, 2002
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  6. Burnzilla

    Burnzilla Regular member

    Feb 22, 2004
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    Hey, thanks everyone. Sorry i didn't mention but 5x optical or higher is what i want. I hate digital zoom. As for price range about $500 tops. If there was something that was too amazing for more i might consider but i don't want to take out a lone for a digital camera. Still need a new desktop, camcorder and my 52" projection tv just stopped working. Anywho, thanks a million everyone:)
  7. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Check out the Fuji cameras. They've got good ones with a higher optical zoom.
  8. shooter

    shooter Member

    Jan 28, 2003
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    You may want to check out the G series cameras from Canon. You can get some pretty good deals on G2’s and up to the G’5s on line. A good store to deal with on line is B&H Photo, I have spent thousands with them, and they always give top of the line service, and good prices as well.
    Check out their “used” camera department as well..sometimes there are some really good deals to be had there.
    I would go with a compact flash card I or II camera rather than a Dx card, and totally stay away from the SD cards. (My best friend bought a Nikon, nice camera, but he has been though 4 SD flash cards in a month now, and he can not find one that will last past two sessions.) If you do go with an SD flash card camera, I would suggest using DANE cards, I have seen the best results with them anyway.
    Good luck to you in what ever you choose. Once you go digital, you never go back!!
  9. Burnzilla

    Burnzilla Regular member

    Feb 22, 2004
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    Wow, thanks a million. Hey, people are helpful on afterdawn.com. Fingerscrossed i'll get one by christmas:)
  10. StanH1000

    StanH1000 Regular member

    May 19, 2004
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    I own Minolta Z1 3.2 mp 10x optical zoom. Very satisfied. Price reduced after Z2 (4.0 mp) came out.
    No probs with SD cards. Have 256mb PNY and Kingston, both working flawlessly in my Z1. If you are upgrading, try to stay with same type of memory cards. Other things to consider include battery compatibility. Z1 takes rechargeable NiMH batts (easy to find, long lasting, reasonable cost).
  11. icuupoo

    icuupoo Member

    Sep 4, 2004
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    not many digital camera's have over 10X zoom, if you really want high zoom miniDV camcorders are the best.
    I have a Panasonic one that has 20X optical zoom and 800X digital.
    But having 4 megapixel and 10X+ zoom is harder.

    Sony makes a camera with 8 or 9 (i forgot) megapixel and 10X optical zoom. i think the price is like $999
  12. StanH1000

    StanH1000 Regular member

    May 19, 2004
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    Z2 (Minolta) mentioned above is 4mp 10x optical zoom.
  13. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    Currently, the way the market is for cameras, si as follows:

    Canon are undoubtedly the top company for high quality optics and SLR Film based cameras. They're digital range of SLR's are also at the top. However, if you move away from SLR's, canons consumer line digital cameras do tend to fall behind the Fuji Finepix range for value and performance. Nikon have yet to launch a digital camera in my opinion to beat either a fuji finepix or a canon in its selected range.

    Here are a few cameras i would recommend you taking a look at:

    Fujifilm Finepix E550
    Fujifilm Finepix 6900 - can be had at a great price
    Canon Powershot G6

    Possible the Nikon Coolpix 8800/8700 - though its over your budget
  14. badtemper

    badtemper Member

    Oct 23, 2004
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    try a www.kodac.com and serch for a model dx6490 thats a 4.0 10 optical and 3 digital its all under 400$ try also going to the stores i bought mune off display cost me only 250$ i think that was a good deal.Anyway check that kodat site u might like it...
  15. Rueful

    Rueful Guest

    If you're still looking for a digital camera, then. . . I recently picked up a Minolta A1 at auction, 5mp, nice zoom -- and image stabilisation. I didn't entertain high hopes for it but have been proved wrong. The camera isn't (stress: isn't) for someone who hates post processing, but if you like to get the most out of your images, then I have to say, the A1 has so far proved, well, remarkable. The optics are excellent and the image stabiliser the sort of thing I didn't know I needed until now (now that I'm able to shoot at shutter speeds not previously possible). The A1 is the predecessor to the A2 (8mp)so it's kind of out-dated. But so what? Using the A1 with Photoshop, I've already produced some great A3 prints that're as good as anything I ever managed with my Nikon SLR. Film may not be dead yet, but no way am I ever going back to it now, not when there are cameras of the calibre of Minolta's little A1 out there.

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