The power symbol is for soft reset. The CD is for DMA, but what is DMA? What is the key? Any insight would be most appreciated.
It may help you to take a look at the review at given by woof811 in another thread.
Thanks, that was pretty helpful. Unfortunately, it doesn't explain the function of direct memory access or its pros and cons. I'm sure it's a general computer term and I do understand the literal meaning of the words, but I don't get how it actually hurts or helps, why you'd want it on or off. Any insight would be appreciated.
Most games load faster with DMA mode enabled. It's supposed to deal with the data on the memory card directly... It may run unsafely, so who knows... From my experience, the DSTT loads even the largest games in less than 5 seconds. However, supposedly, some games won't run without DMA mode turned on. I'd simply stay away from it if I were you, maybe turn it on in the weird case that something doesn't work.