I want to back up my dvds and burn them onto a blank disc. How and what software should i go about using to do this?
There are several good programs out there. They are very user friendly and you sholud be able to find them here at AD. Find out as much as you can before you get started such as what blank media you need to use and try out several programs. I personally like Slysoft products and you can download them and use them free for 21 days before purchacing them. AnyDVD and Clone DVD 2 are the 2 programs you will need from there. Very user friendly and free tech support for life!
I purchased AnyDVD from Slysoft. It is the unencryption program. With Shrink (free program), I create an ISO file on the harddrive. Then I burn with Imgburn (also a free program). This combination will do a lot of the movies out there. For the more difficult movies there is RipIt4Me, which uses DVD Decrypter (free), FixVTS (free), Shrink (free), and then burns with either Imgburn (free) or Nero. You also can run those programs separately if you wish. There are some very good guides in the user submitted guides at afterdawn. Some of the members use DVD Fab Decrypter instead of DVD Decrypter because it is newer and still being updated. A couple of things to remember are use good quality media. Members here seem to prefer Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim. Burn at half the speed listed on the disc. Hope this helps.
Richtig12 I noticed in another thread you mentioned having Roxio. You can use it for burning in the combinations I mentioned before. I would recommend if you have Roxio don't add Nero to your software list. They have been known to conflict with each other. flyingv Thank you for the nice comment.
So, what are the actual programs i need. will u just tell me withc ones to get so i have a good combo.
My recommendations: AnyDVD from Slysoft Purchase (unencryptor and ripper) RipIt4Me Free (complete copying) DVD Decrypter Free (unencryptor, ripper, and burner) Shrink Free (shrinks to fit single layer disc) FixVTS Free (eliminates empty cells and structure problems) Imgburn Free (burner) With those programs you can backup almost any movie. If you don't understand the guides on how to use them, just ask. There are many helpful people on afterdawn. That is how I learned to use them. I know this seems like a lot of programs. You need the different options for some of the more difficult movies (i.e. especially Sony).
Hi Richtig12 and welcome to AD, All suggestions above are great advise, but let me just add this guide that will show you step by step how to backup your DVD's. http://webpages.charter.net/bacitup/TheGuides/Back up DVD w fab,vixvts,shrink,imageburn.pdf
Be sure and look at the guide bbmayo suggested. He is one of the most knowledgeable on afterdawn. There are links in his signature that will be very helpful. He is the first one that helped me out when I joined here. I learned a lot from him. You can trust everything he recommends.
Hi BBmayo, It was because of your guide that I was able to make few copies. Very very helpfull. I highly recommend his work and thankyou for all the hard work and the time you've put to create those guides. While talking on this topic, Can you please make a guide on copying a dual layer disk. I have tried your tutorial, trying dvd decryptor and the shrink but am still lost. Thankyou in advance for all your help.
Hi jaymk, Well this is of the topic, but to do a Dual Layer back up is pretty easy if you have done one the other way (single Layer) 1. Just rip movie to Hard drive using DVD Fab Decrypter 2. Then burn with Image burn. I will create a guide for this but it could be a little while as work has me pretty strung out for the last month or so. Cheers