Gotta go guys, I'm losin' it! I try to help people but, I'm gettin' snippy answering the same questions, over & over again. Best if I log-out for awhile - I don't want to be rude to anyone. And I WILL BE (I can feel it - it's building, the frustration). People who speak English but cannot write the simplest words spelled correctly (Its to big! Your a smacktard! etc. etc. ad infinitum) Now, if you want to call someone a smacktard, you write: You are a smacktard! It is abbreviated thus: You're a smacktard! YOU SEE?! Man, I'm losin' it... so buh-bye to all ;^( Thanks for some good laughs along the way. Best Regards
just post a bunch of spam or something, but you don't have to go you can post here in the safty forum.
Hey OGS, Listen, don't let people get to you like that. Seriously. The time and energy it takes to get upset, you can help out someone else who will be fortunate. I've seen some of your posts and they are friggin' helpful. If you would like some advice, just post your vents here in Safety Valve. I mean, you already became a Senior Member, and I know it didn't happen overnight. If you do really decide to leave, it was good having you around! Stay cool!
Reminds me of this thread from a year ago: I thought that was funny because the first post complains of the lack of proper spelling, capitalization, and punctuation then the second post agrees with the first but has no capitalization or punctuation.
Xian, I went back to read that post link. I remember it well. I think the second post was done as a joke. It just goes back to something I posted once before. When typing posts in jest, it sometimes doesn't come across the right way unless you know the person. I miss the DrChips school of knowledge we use to get on here. @OGS, I understand your feelings on the problems you mentioned. I almost left 2 different times because of similar problems. A few of the other members I started with suggested I stay in hopes that the forum would improve. It has improved but as in all things nothing is perfect. I just hung in the background for awhile and didn't post much, but did stay as a member. We would hate to loose you so maybe just sit on the sidelines and see what happens. The Mods and Admins seem to be watching and taking an interest in the well being of the forum so I expect it to improve even more over time. Take care either way. Jerry
Dont go OGS, us n00bs who know where the search function is still need all you seniors for help. The more that you guys post, the faster we learn. i dont do a lot of posting here but quite a lot of reading! cant you just separate the wheat from the chaff & ignore all the muppets? and theres always the safety valve for a good old rant when it gets too much....