I have the SNESDS emulator which I believe works well as I can now play NES games on my DS using NESDS. I have some snes roms including Mario Allstars, Mario Kart & Donkey Kong Country - will these roms work on a DS? The files are .smc files and I'm not sure if that is what they should be to work?
Ok, what you should do is switch over to SNEmulDS as it supports more games and will load the games you listed. You might have to do some DLDI patching on this one though. Try it first without patching, if it works good, if not you just need to patch it. Also you need to put your snes roms in a folder called 'SNES'
Well I've put SNEmulDS.nds on the M3 DS Simply (not the first time), but I failed to load any rom. I don't seem to get on well with this emulator, maybe because it doesn't recognise my roms - .smc files? If I have to patch it, could you please explain how.
Sure thing, first you need download a few files. Patching software(dlditool) Win32GUI DLDI patch Load the dlditool32 application. Load the r4tf.dldi 'patch' into the DLDI file section. It should now read R4 (DS)- Revolution for DS. Next load the binary, which will be the snemulds.nds file. Lastly hit patch and the snemulds.nds file should now be dldi patched. Load it into the M3 DSS as usual and run. Sorry about not replying sooner.
I did exactly as you said, but still no change. Perhaps I could show you in picture form what I'm experiancing... After turning on my DS, I am presented with the M3 Main Menu. I then go into the SNES folder I created, and can see the 2 emulators I currently have and their size. When I start the SNEmulDS emulator I am immediately sent to this screen. Having no viewable roms, I am then sent to the main menu for the emulator. As none of the other options mean anything to me, I once again go to "Select Rom" and I am finally sent to this screen where my DS freezes and does not allow me to progress or go back, and a reset is required. All this was the same before and after "patching" which I carefully followed your instructions for, and I recall having the same problem last time I tried using SNEmulDS so I gave up and tried something else. Is there anything else you can suggest?
The folder in which you put your snes games is called 'SNES Games' Just call it 'SNES' and it should work. Nice pics by the way.
It's worked! I can't believe the problem was simply a wringly named folder! Well let this be a lesson to anyone else who experiances the same problems in the future. Thanks so much for your help HG27. I only have 3 SNES roms at the moment; Donkey Kong Country (which has a line through the middle of screen for some reason) Super Mario Allstars (this works perfectly) Super Mario Kart (this does not seem to work) I knew not all SNES roms would work, but for those that do, this was worth it. Thanks again.