[bold]I saw something awhile ago saying that Sega sold its rights of to more than one other company. WHY? They made loads of good games and what happend with the whole Dreamcast thing? I dont understand that.
lildoggg: sega sold out because they couldn't compete anymore. Sony, Nintendo, and various other game console producers were taking bigger and bigger chunks of the market while Sega was taking smaller and smaller. as with all markets, monopolies eventually arise. Now, there's pretty much just Microsoft and Sony, whereas before you had Sega, Atari, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft (very small in gaming until recent years) and a dozen others. competition doesn't equal profits, but mergers do.
I like the Sonic games the best, they were the first games that I played. I used to play them for hours when I was little.
Dont you miis the old days when you didnt have to go to school and you could just paly games until the sun went down?
Has anyone played that new Shadow the Hedgehog game for the XBox? It is supposed to also make its way to the other major platforms. It looks like it'll be fun to play. But it can't beat the original master of speed SONIC.
Yeah you have a point there the whole Metroid series has been pretty good so far. I'd have to say its one of my top ten.
Check out the speed runs for Super Metroid... 36 mins for any % and 55 mins for 100% (crazy!) http://www.samus.co.uk/super_metroid/speed_runs.shtml
Yeah I know. you can really tell that the people that put the game together really tested. ALOT!! They expect you to be able to get through the dang thing with out stopping for something.
heh... My time and % was dismal! Time was 9:17 with 74% collected items... I will get round to playing it again when i have more time though : )
How many hours of game time do most of you guys out there get? I get about 2-3 hours each day of the week if I want to. But its mainly only at night.