What do you think about Zone Alarm Pro?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Zenon003, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. Zenon003

    Zenon003 Guest

    Hello Everyone
    I am interested in anyone's comments about Zone Alarm Pro, Firewall. I have been hearing that it is not as good as Zone Alarm would like us to believe.
    If you have had any bad experience or just want to say what you really think about the software please feel free.
    Both positive and negative views are welcome. Please also add what firewall you think is the best and why. Thanks.
  2. p4_tt

    p4_tt Active member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    I used Zone Alarm way back when i got my Internet connection, i had problems with it and i got hijacked daily when i used it, i also got told by a guy that runs security for websites that it's no good at all, i only had a problem with it way back i don't have a clue what it's like now, a lot of people use it and would recommend it. I use Mcafee, not the most user friendly software but a very good firewall in my opinion, never been hacked to this day, there's far better ones out there to buy just a case of them costing a lot, Overall i like Mcafee, it's secure, reliable and has good support for the latest threats.

    A good way of testing a FW is SheildsUp.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2005
  3. Zenon003

    Zenon003 Guest

    Thanks p4_tt
    How did the hijack effect your pc? Was it your web browser that was hijacked?
  4. p4_tt

    p4_tt Active member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    It was over 2 years ago but it did stop my PC working i went to play a game and the whole PC crashed b4 it was just my browser that got hijacked, i was told by the guy that fixed it that i had been hacked and files that Windows needed were deleted. b4 i got my 1st Internet connection the guy installed Windows ME for me along with virus software (mcafee), the only thing he never installed was a firewall so i installed ZA and every thing went to pot, that could have just been bad luck for me thou.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2005

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