Sorry if this has already been done, I searched and I couldn't find anything. What do you want for your christmas? This is what I want - -Mike
this thread might be the one ye were looking for..
Nah ireland, the other one was more of a countdown/discussion thread. Young mik3h wants ta know what kinda pressies we all want... Guess he's gonna put in a few good words with santa ;-) I want this : Gibson Les Paul Premium Heritage Cherry Sunburst Not very bloody likely i'll get it, but hey, it's only 4 months 'till my birthday. And that keyboard tocool wants looks like fun as well... GIMME !
Very nice guitar there Dan. Especially seeing as it isn't an Epiphone! I was thinking about an Ibanez this year, but I'll just make do with my brother's just now muwahaha. Nice keyboard there tocool! -Mike Thats the acoustic I am getting And I have a Standard Squire Strat.....If I ever have a chance to a get another Electric Im definetley getting Ibanez or a les paul with Double Humbuckers.. I also asked for DigiTech RP80 Multi Effect Pedal I've been playing for about 2 years and still love it
I gots me a Ibanez Gio gax70BK : Tocool, stay away from digital effects pedals like that. In combination with that cheapo strat of yours, the sound will be cr@@@@@p. Come to think of it, even with a les paul it would be cr@p. Buy some proper effects pedals instead. What kind of amp do you have, anyway? One of those cheapo squire amps that come with the guitar in a package deal? If so, then get a proper amp first instead of wasting money on a lame effects pedal. Scrap that, buy a proper guitar first, or at least replace those bad single coil pickups on that strat.
LOL....Wow, Yea it was a pack my parents bought me for Xmas 2 years ago.. It works good enough for me to play. Maybe next year... And my AMp is a Fender Frontman 15G ...Pretty good but doesn't have reverb . I also have a Crybaby Wah- pedal I got a year ago.....Its so hard to use thats why i like multi effect pedals because its alot easier to handle...Im still a beginner My parents bought it and none of them know anything about guitars(Neither did I) so I thought it was great.
Well, it's a good starter set, but that amp should be first to be replaced, then either the guitar or the pickups *and maybe have a proper floyd rose locking tremolo so your guitar doesn't go out of tune each time you hit the trembar*. As for amps, there are cheap but good amps like the ones from Roland (i have a crate 30 somewhere, started out on that in combination with a customised sunburst fender squire) Crate Randall And finally, the master of amps, Marshall As for pedals, that Wah pedal is the same i use, it's a learning proces for the most part. Here's some proper effects pedals : Marshall Boss Ibanez Their tubescreamer overdrive pedals are the best O/D pedals Dunlop You know this brand, your wah pedal was made by these folks.
Cool, I'll have to look around and wait a few months(Till the summer) I can finally get a part time job and buy one. Thanks for the info. Have anytime to get on IRC?
@tocool4u....a word of advice from a music teacher if you don't mind. Careful when you use effects pedals and even reverb on an amp:....resist the urge to use them the cover sloppiness or poor fingering. Practice until your sound is perfectly clean and then go for the peripherals. Too many people do that without really realizing WHY their doing it and talk themselves into believing its because they sound better rather than covering up mistakes. Just my two cents.
Yep, I know, I have never actually used reverb just want it, because i heard it makes the sound cleaner. Alot of the time i practice without amp....just to try and get fingering right.