Anyone had any experience with the NEC ND 2510A Dual Layer drive. I am building a new computer and want the latest equipment. The dual layer Drives are the up-coming drives. I now have the Pioneer 105. Have had very Good luck with it and Decryptor, DVD2One, Nero 6. Thanks for your thoughts....Barefoot
Thanks to All. Think I will stick with the Pioneer-107. Disk are much to expensive at 15 bux each. Considering Maxell, Memorex, TDK etc are about .50 now.
But these will drop in price very quickly to compete with single layer once these are in regular supply. John179
Absolutely true but by then the second generation DL drives will be out. That's when I'm buying into this DL business
Nephilim i hope many think like yourself as this will help to force down the prices.If DL media gets off to a rocky start becuase of price the makers will be forced to sell cheaper.Look at the price of single layer at the moment they are getting cheaper and cheaper this is in anticipation of the DL media in the pipe line. John179
Will the pioneer 107D be upgradeable by firmware and be capable of burning the DL Disk. I have read sommwhere on this board that suggest that was possible. Thanks
Have a read at the link at the bottom of this post when you have a minute.You will get all the latest on firware for your drive from there. John179
Actually barefootx, you are in a very nice place to be purchasing a drive. Right now you can buy a D/L burner from Lite-on or Nec for somewhere in the $70.00 to $90.00 (USD) and burn all, the $.50 RitekG04's you want and when the D/L discs drop in price, you'll already have the drive to burn that too. Otherwise, you'll buy your 107 now and then spend your money a second time when you want your D/L burner. Will the 107 ever get a hacked firmware to burn D/L ? No one knows - certainly Pioneer won't ever release a firmware for it, it would ruin their soon-to-be-released D/L drive - Were I in your place, I'd go for the D/L burner tomorrow - cheers, Pete
Take the mans advice i didn't and still purchased the NEC DL for peanuts.If that advise of Scuba had been available at the time of purchase i would have took it. John179
I think I saw the NEC drive for 74 bux at That is where I am buying Mb,Processor, video,memory etc for the new computer. Am running a p-3 800 now and building a p4 3.2. Will consider your opinion and probably go with the NEC. Thanks Barefoot Sunshine State USA
Good choice i have had 3 dvd writers in my time pioneer Lite-on and NEC of which i have still got the last 2 drives.Ask me if i would swap for another drive from the firm who made the first one.Not on your nelly it would really have to be something special to change my mind.Pioneer drives are ok but nothing special and as scuba says there not over keen on firmware updates. John179