What Dvd's should I buy and where?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by ksshooter, Sep 2, 2004.

  1. ksshooter

    ksshooter Member

    Sep 2, 2004
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    Sorry to post such a basic topic but here goes. I have been using Memorex 4x DVD+R disks and after looking at a lot of posts on here I am getting the impression to purchase Ritek or some other brand. My problem is like a lot on here my Dell Computer will play all DVD's however my Sony Home DVD play about 2-3 yrs old will not play all of them lots of freezes and a few dirty dvd errors.

    I am really getting the impression that it is the DVD quailty due to encripting with Shrink and burning with SOnic and my first copy of Passion of the Christ works perfect and then the next two copies of the exact same ISO file had a lot of freezes on the text two DVDs.

    Now for my final question what format dvd's should I be purchasing DVD+R or DVD-R and what is the differance. Thanks in advance
  2. zippyd

    zippyd Active member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    As far as Memorex goes....it's hit and miss. They use multiple companies to manufacture their media, so some may be crap and some may be good.

    +R or -R..... That depends on your burner. Some drives will burn both types and some will only burn one type.
    If you don't know what format your drive supports you can use dvdinfopro and have it scan your drive. It's available here.....

    Where to buy.... that depends on where you live I guess. You might try a Google search for "Ritek" and pick an online vendor that suits you. Some have return policies that let you return your purchase if it won't work. I did find this in another thread....

    I hope I've been helpful.
  3. mrchin

    mrchin Member

    Sep 3, 2004
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    Guys, I recently purchase the LITEON 1213s DVDRW drive and try to back up movies with DVD Shrink then burn then to a DVD+R (plus) and they do not work on home stand alone dvd players. It played only on computer and playstation. But, I purchase the verbatim DVD-R (minus) and the back ups work in any dvd player the key is to use the (minus) DVD-R not the DVD+R then burn the ISO file with nero.

    My comment. Hope it helps.
  4. mrchin

    mrchin Member

    Sep 3, 2004
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    Guys, I recently purchase the LITEON 1213s DVDRW drive and try to back up movies with DVD Shrink then burn them to a DVD+R (plus) and they do not work on home stand alone dvd players. It played only on computer and playstation. But, I purchase the verbatim DVD-R (minus) and the back ups work in any dvd player the key is to use the (minus) DVD-R not the DVD+R then burn the ISO file with nero.

    My comment. Hope it helps.
  5. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Not necessarily true. Dvd-r for the most part are more compatable w/ standalone dvd plarers, but it all depends on the player and most new players will play both. Actually dvd+r media booktyped to dvd-rom w/ a bitsetting tool is the most compatable.
    They are right about memorex stay away fom it. Give ritek dvd+r or -r a try. Media is the main cause for freezing, tileing, and pixelateing. Also while you are analyzing, encodeing, or burning leave your pc alone. Step away. No multi-tasking.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2004
  6. michigan

    michigan Guest

    Try burning at lower speeds too I burn at 2.4x max it cuts down on the errors even when copying copy's

    I have had better luck with the Ritek "Ridata" disc in the -R format they play on everything I have put them in so far

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