What happened to my machine?

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by Kchew1952, Jan 6, 2006.

  1. Kchew1952

    Kchew1952 Guest

    Help guys....something stole my background and will not let me get rid of it, nor install a new one.

    It is a big black lable, with red woords, that reads, "SPYWARE INFECTION" and "your system has been infected with spyware. Window recomends that you use a spyware removal tool to prevent lost of data and increase system performance. Using this PC before having it cleaned of spyware threats is highly discouraged."

    Sad thing it I have tried several and they can't help.
    I have use:
    Ad-ware SE Personal
    Super Utilities
    Ewido Security Suite
    Microsoft Antispy

    any ideas?
  2. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    This is nothing but a scam to get you to buy spyware removal software !

    Go to your Desktop -->Right Click -- Properties -- Desktop TAB --- Open Customize Desktop at the bottom and click the WEB Tab open.

    Remove what is there that should be blank !

  3. Kchew1952

    Kchew1952 Guest

    Thanks....but that didn't work. It even has my background stuff locked.
  4. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

  5. Kchew1952

    Kchew1952 Guest

    Thank you very much...Hijack this worked and my machine is happy once again.

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