Help guys....something stole my background and will not let me get rid of it, nor install a new one. It is a big black lable, with red woords, that reads, "SPYWARE INFECTION" and "your system has been infected with spyware. Window recomends that you use a spyware removal tool to prevent lost of data and increase system performance. Using this PC before having it cleaned of spyware threats is highly discouraged." Sad thing it I have tried several and they can't help. I have use: Ad-ware SE Personal Super Utilities Ewido Security Suite Microsoft Antispy and Norton any ideas?
This is nothing but a scam to get you to buy spyware removal software ! Go to your Desktop -->Right Click -- Properties -- Desktop TAB --- Open Customize Desktop at the bottom and click the WEB Tab open. Remove what is there that should be blank !
This looks like SpySheriff adware ! This place here can help you if it's that --- you not giving details of what you have , so I cant help you more then guessing !