What Harm could come from.....

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by RhinoSS, Mar 4, 2007.

  1. RhinoSS

    RhinoSS Member

    Mar 4, 2007
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    ...My 1yr old son playin with my cell phone? I mean I took the precaution of locking the key pad to avoid the possibility of him calling to mexico or something. I honsetly thought nothing could happin, Boy was I wrong. My theory is that because he's still teething, he likes to put my cell in his mouth and try to take a big bite into it. well, with that bite, drool is a liquid that I guess had made it's way through the key pad and into the circuitry and has made my phone go haywire.

    If that wasnt enough, how about a dash of Bad Timeing. I dont exactly remember when I bought the phone( sometime between March or April of last year) But after speaking with customer service, it turns out I got the phone in the beginning of Feb 06'. So I'm over the 1yr warrenty from the Manufacturer : ^(

    So the Moral of the story is: Parents shouldnt let toddlers play with cellphones.

    <----put's his head down in shame---
  2. onya

    onya Guest

    Or even tv remotes......LOL

    Anything at coffee table height and below, is fair game. Drool and circuitry don't mix. :(
  3. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Ah, there'll be nothing you can do until he's old enough to move out of your house. My fifteen year old nephew didn't chew my phone though I wish he had; instead, he made over $300 in nine hundred number sex calls. Hormonal little sh**!
  4. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Seriously, a quick browse of the console forums show exactly the risks of allowing pre-schoolers loose with technology.
  5. NicHt

    NicHt Regular member

    Oct 26, 2006
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    Sounds familiar... Oh... damn...

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