I'm looking to buy a 65-70" tv. Space isn't a problem, so getting a flat panel tv isn't a concern. I'm therefore thinking one of the microdisplay technologies would be ideal, but which one...DLP or LCoS? I think the 70" Sony SXRD is somewhat more expensive than like a Samsung DLP of comparable size. Is it worth the extra money? Any brand recommendations? Thanks for any input.
DLP is garbage compared to other HDTVs. WHat you are looking for is a LCD or a Plasma. If you are looking for a high quality TV get this: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8188775&st=sony+bravia&type=product&id=1164156736657 Unfortunately, unlike you, i do not have much space. I have a 23" SOny Bravia and it is top quality. If this is too much you should look for an LCD or PLasma which has HDMI outputs and goes up to 1080p. BTW, in Best Buy stores i saw a deal that allows you to buy a Sony Bravia XBR for $2000 and get a PS3 and a few games for free! This is after i just bought my PS3 a week before. I hope this helped!
the XBR2 is good mode(if you get the right #)l but at 52" you might as well get a plasma look at the new Panasonic 700/750 line its really good name and it s price is good. but if you want the king then go look at the Kuro(pioneer's 8G line)
Go LOOK at a DLP set from below, above and off to the side. You'll decide that LCDs or Plasmas have it beat by miles-pricewise too unfortunately. Go Hawgs, from an LSU fan.
hmmm...so are plasmas really that much better? and are microdisplays not as great as im thinking they are? but getting a 70" plasma is ridiculously expensive isn't it? i guess i was fairly set on dlp or lcos, but after reading you guys posts and talking to a best buy guy it seems plasmas are the way to go.....? lol even more confused now....
http://www.amazon.com/Mitsubishi-WD...?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1183140577&sr=8-29 I am a lil low on money but if i had it i would get ^^^that one^^^.